We Create The Following Content Types
SEO Traffic Content
This content (based on keyword research) drives solid, consistent growth in search engine traffic month after month, resulting in more leads and sales.
Link Worthy Content
These are in-depth pieces of content (4000+ words) that target a specific topic in great detail to attract natural backlinks to boost your sites overall rankings
Sales Page Content
There are 12 elements to every successful sales page. We ensure that you maximise sales from the most important page on your website.
Brand Builder Content
This content is essential for building brand loyalty and driving your existing readers to new offers when available. Daily or weekly content services available.
Do you want high-quality content that converts into new customers or sales?
We will define the right content marketing strategy to fit your brand however you must always keep in mind that the content must keep the user engaged. You can easily see the user's rate of engagement by looking at your bounce rate and average time on page in your Google Analytics account (contact us to set Google Analytics up for you if you have not already done it).
We like to concentrate on writing four distinct forms of content which individually serve the following purpose:
- Drive search engine traffic to your website
- Get backlinks to increase your search engine rankings, therefore your traffic
- Convert your first-time visitors into sales
- Convert your returning visitors into repeat sales
Collectively all four increase your sales and profits.

Fix Now Media specialise in optimising your website for search engine traffic. Content Creation is an essential part of getting traffic from search engines as well as building your authority online. It is a task most business owners do not have the time to complete so let us do the hard work while you concentrate on growing your business.