Top Email Marketing Trends For 2020 From Fix Now Media
Most marketers today understand that everything digital is in a state of flux, which means it is dynamic, constantly updating and changing. With more data gathered and the introduction of new technologies, there are several new strategies that are developed to better manage data in such a way that it impacts and better targets a preferred audience. With these constant changes, one of the communication platforms that has witnessed tremendous growth in popularity over the years is email marketing. Email marketing a Malta business has proved to be one of the most important strategies to adopt in order to ensure continued communication with customers, improve brand loyalty, and also improve overall ROI.
How Email Marketing Improves Business ROI
Since everything digital is constantly changing, it is important to keep abreast of the latest marketing trends in order to keep a leg up on your competition and get better results from your online marketing efforts. Here are some of the predicted ways that email marketing will change and be adapted in the coming year to help businesses improve their customer retention and increase their overall sales.
Increased Segmentation And Targeting In Automation
With the increasing growth witnessed by email marketing, there is the need to ensure that email marketing is properly geared towards improved ROI. To ensure this, the process of targeting and segmenting of contacts has become a more intricate and necessary step to take. With increasing volume of data gathered and smarter strategies available for use, segmenting and targeting customers can help maximize profits.
HubSpot revealed that emails that are segmented and targeted can account for as much as 58 percent of company’s earnings. In addition, when relevantly segmenting and targeting customers, the emails sent out have been reported to be able to generate as much as 18 times more profit compared to traditional email marketing strategies. With the statistics available, marketers and entrepreneurs are more likely to make better revenue by relying more heavily on these practices when creating their marketing strategies.
More Text Only And Interactive Emails
While email segmenting and targeting is one significant trend which boasts of greater revenues, understand that the format of the email also plays an important role in the overall acceptability and appeal to the target customer. The way marketers format and design their emails can improve or deter the aim of the marketing strategy. Marketers are encouraged to send emails in plain text styles as this is bound to generate more involvement. In addition, it is recommended that marketers compose interactive emails to capture the attention of customers and guide them into making positive decision.
More Storytelling
Content is king and as such, in addition to making content interactive, there is the need to ensure that you use the art of storytelling to further arrest the interest of the audience. Email marketing messages which are designed to include a story at the beginning of the email are bound to improve acceptance rate. However, it is important that marketers and entrepreneurs know how best to loop the message of the email into the story to ensure an overall effective email marketing strategy.
Improved Mobile Friendliness
Email marketing strategies should be done in such a way that it recognizes the fact that more and more people are making use of their mobile phones. Email marketing campaign can be tailored toward the mobile users to better improve acceptability and overall return on investment. With 53 percent of emails opened on mobile device, there is the need for marketers to make their emails more mobile friendly.
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